Friday, November 28, 2008

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Today there is news that the Ignatieff camp sent out an email asking for donations to his campaign to “Save Canadian Democracy”. Regardless of the leadership candidate I support, this smells rotten to me and it should to you too. This is NOT a time for partisan leadership politics. We need to come together and support the Liberal Party as a whole.

So I say forgot the leadership race for the time being, there will be plenty of time for that later. Be it via a one time donation or signing up for the Victory Fund or Laurier Club, donate to the party and show that while we might disagree on who we believe to be the best candidate for the leadership, in the end, we stand together as a party united.


Ted Betts said...

"Be it via a one time donation or signing up for the Victory Fund or Laurier Club, donate to the party and show that while we might disagree on who we believe to be the best candidate for the leadership, in the end, we stand together as a party united."

Um... that's exactly what Iggy asked us to do, as well as donate to his leadership campaign.

This is exactly the kind of thing the Liberals have to do: quick response, raise our own money, generate our own army of supporters. It is what the Reform/Conservatives have been doing for 15 years. It is what Obama did. This is the politics of the 21st Century. If we don't keep up, we won't move up.

Andrew P. said...

It seems to be done merely as an afterthought, put at the end of his email, far below his request for donations to his leadership campaign.

At a different time, I wouldn't have a problem with this necessarily, but given the firestorm that this is right now, an email asking only for a donation to the party would have been more appropriate.